Wednesday, December 26, 2012

The Texas Jersey Project
This blog is inspired by the book The Jersey Project by Bill Humphries and Jerry Dunn
The book contains numerous photos of racing jerseys, mostly from Europe with a few U.S. teams mixed in. The book got me to thinking... what about bicycle racing teams from Texas? I know that when I raced (in the late 80s), there were a number of Texas teams. So, I decided to start this blog as a repository for Texas bicycle racing jerseys. If you have an old or new racing jersey, take a photo and I'll post it here. And, thanks!
From the late 1980s early 1990s:

Peloton Racing Austin, Texas, 1986. Main sponsors were Euro-Sport Cycles, Roger Beasley Mazda, Ten Speed Drive, and Golden Life Fitness
Peloton Racing Austin, Texas, 1988. Main sponsers were Euro-Sport Cycles, Shiner Beer, Lewis, Tx, and American Light Bulb
Peloton Racing Austin, Texas, 1990. Main sponsor was Euro-Sport

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